Wake up where is the real church!!!

I feel led to share some thoughts do to the confusion of what church actually is. Our modern day understanding of church is is biblically incorrect. The word church in greek is the word ekklesia meaning a gathering of people for a purpose which in our case is to worship Jesus. I will remind everyone that their were no buildings in the early days of christianity they met in houses, or by the river or wherever they could. Instead of crying and complaining about not going to our precious little denonational buildings. Lets take this time to do things like the early days of christianity, and meet in houses of 10-12 people and disicple each other, and worship and grow in Christ. Whenever Paul addressed The Galatians or any other churches or group of churches he never wrote to the building he wrote to the people in the building. It is time to put denominations aside, and be disciples of Jesus, and multiply disciples. It’s time to repent, and turn to Jesus don’t just pray! Stop sinning intentionally, and pretending like everything is ok if you pray a little namby pamby prayer. Its time we get serious about dying to self, and living for Christ. Because, until that happens mark my words things will only get worse. The Lord is tired of all the sin, and lack of commitment. We must follow 2 chronicles 7:14 “If my people which are called by name will humble themselves, repent and pray and seek my face then will I hear from heaven forgive them of their sins, and heal the land.”

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